Published research articles references responding to 'bacteria' as a search keyword (authors, abstracts, publication journal, ...) were downloaded from Pubmed using dedicated python library (Entrez) to a MongoDB database. Approx. 1.9 million of articles. An online ressource had impact factors of all existing journals incorporated in classical html tables over different pages. Some parsing using beautifulsoup library allowed the incorporation of the data in the same database. For more details see the following scripts :
From the database, articles published between 1985 and 2014, last year of computed impact factor were subselected. From there articles were either considered as a whole or subdivided with respect to their journals impact factor. When available, all the keywords from the papers were saved into dictionaries and the 500 most abundant were dumped into json format for further use. Details in the script :
import json
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pygal
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import SVG
ROOT_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data')
if not os.path.isdir(ROOT_PATH):
# Read in data top keyword counts
data = dict()
data_names = []
for i in range(1985, 2015, 5):
with open(ROOT_PATH + "/mostcommon_" + str(i) + "_" + str(i + 4) +
".txt", "r") as data_file:
data[str(i) + "_" + str(i + 4)] = json.load(data_file)
data_names.append(str(i) + "_" + str(i + 4))
Next, data is reformated into pandas dataframe for convenience
df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in data_names:
if df.empty:
df = pd.DataFrame(data[i].values(), index=data[i].keys(), columns=[str(i)])
df = pd.merge(df, pd.DataFrame(data[i].values(),
index=data[i].keys(), columns=[str(i)]),
left_index=True, right_index=True, how='outer').fillna(0)
Ratios in normalized keywords counts from one time period to the following were computed to get a score that indicate evolution over time.
for i in range(0, len(data_names) - 1):
ratio = df[data_names[i + 1]] / df[data_names[i]]
df[str(data_names[i + 1] + '/' + data_names[i])] = ratio
sc_df = df.fillna(1).replace('%','',regex=True).astype('float')
Start generating graphs following different 'major' chosen profiles. Global overview of all data points was useless.
# Change default font
custom_style =
# First lost, not coming back
sort_data = sc_df.sort_values(by="1990_1994/1985_1989",ascending=False)
data = sort_data.loc[(sc_df["1990_1994/1985_1989"] <= 0.8) &
(sc_df["1995_1999/1990_1994"] <= 0.8) &
(sc_df["2000_2004/1995_1999"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2000_2004/1995_1999"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["2005_2009/2000_2004"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2005_2009/2000_2004"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["2010_2014/2005_2009"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2010_2014/2005_2009"] >= 0.8), data_names][:12]
line_chart = pygal.Line(logarithmic=False, legend_at_bottom=True,
style=custom_style, y_title='# Normalized published articles')
line_chart.title = 'Old loss in published papers keywords'
line_chart.x_labels = list(data.keys())
for row in data.iterrows():
line_chart.add(str(row[0]), list(row[1]))
line_chart.render_to_file(ROOT_PATH + '/old_loss.svg')
SVG(filename=ROOT_PATH + '/old_loss.svg')
sort_data = sc_df.sort_values(by="2010_2014/2005_2009",ascending=False)
data = sort_data.loc[(sc_df["1990_1994/1985_1989"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["1990_1994/1985_1989"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["1995_1999/1990_1994"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["1995_1999/1990_1994"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2000_2004/1995_1999"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2000_2004/1995_1999"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["2005_2009/2000_2004"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2005_2009/2000_2004"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["2010_2014/2005_2009"] >= 1.4), data_names][:12]
line_chart = pygal.Line(logarithmic=False, legend_at_bottom=True,
style=custom_style, y_title='# Normalized published articles')
line_chart.title = 'Recent increase in published papers keywords'
line_chart.x_labels = list(data.keys())
for row in data.iterrows():
line_chart.add(str(row[0]), list(row[1]))
line_chart.render_to_file(ROOT_PATH + '/recent_increase.svg')
SVG(filename=ROOT_PATH + '/recent_increase.svg')
sort_data = sc_df.sort_values(by="2005_2009/2000_2004",ascending=False)
data = sort_data.loc[(sc_df["1990_1994/1985_1989"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["1990_1994/1985_1989"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["1995_1999/1990_1994"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["1995_1999/1990_1994"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2000_2004/1995_1999"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2000_2004/1995_1999"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["2005_2009/2000_2004"] >= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2010_2014/2005_2009"] >= 0.8), data_names][:12]
line_chart = pygal.Line(logarithmic=False, legend_at_bottom=True,
style=custom_style, y_title='# Normalized published articles')
line_chart.title = 'Steady interest in published papers keywords'
line_chart.x_labels = list(data.keys())
for row in data.iterrows():
line_chart.add(str(row[0]), list(row[1]))
line_chart.render_to_file(ROOT_PATH + '/steady_interest.svg')
SVG(filename=ROOT_PATH + '/steady_interest.svg')
data = sc_df.sort_values(by="1995_1999/1990_1994",ascending=False)
data = sort_data.loc[(sc_df["1990_1994/1985_1989"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["1990_1994/1985_1989"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["1995_1999/1990_1994"] >= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2000_2004/1995_1999"] <= 0.8) &
(sc_df["2005_2009/2000_2004"] <= 1.2) &
(sc_df["2005_2009/2000_2004"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["2010_2014/2005_2009"] >= 0.8) &
(sc_df["2010_2014/2005_2009"] <= 1.2), data_names][:12]
line_chart = pygal.Line(logarithmic=False, legend_at_bottom=True,
style=custom_style, y_title='# Normalized published articles')
line_chart.title = 'Temporary interest in published papers keywords'
line_chart.x_labels = list(data.keys())
for row in data.iterrows():
line_chart.add(str(row[0]), list(row[1]))
line_chart.render_to_file(ROOT_PATH + '/moment_glory.svg')
SVG(filename=ROOT_PATH + '/moment_glory.svg')
What happens, if you look for a few keywords in relation with your PhD ?
#Focused targets
data = sc_df[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]].ix[['Host-Pathogen Interactions',
'Listeria monocytogenes',
'Staphylococcus aureus',
'RNA, Bacterial',
line_chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, legend_at_bottom=True,
style=custom_style, y_title='# Normalized published articles',
line_chart.title = 'Evolution in time of selected topics'
line_chart.x_labels = list(data.keys())
for row in data.iterrows():
line_chart.add(str(row[0]), list(row[1]), show_dots=False)
line_chart.render_to_file(ROOT_PATH + '/Topics_Line_2010_2014.svg')
SVG(filename=ROOT_PATH + '/Topics_Line_2010_2014.svg')
Reading the data
import json
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pygal
import numpy as np
ROOT_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data')
if not os.path.isdir(ROOT_PATH):
# Read in data top keyword counts
data = dict()
data_names = []
for i in range(1985, 2015, 5):
for low, high in [(0, 5), (5, 15), (15, 100)]:
with open(ROOT_PATH + "/mostcommon_" + str(i) + "_" + str(i + 4) + '_IF_' +
str(low) + '_' + str(high) + ".txt", "r") as data_file:
data[str(i) + "_" + str(i + 4) + '_IF_' + str(low) + '_' + str(high)] = json.load(data_file)
data_names.append(str(i) + "_" + str(i + 4) + '_IF_' + str(low) + '_' + str(high))
# Merge dicts into dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in data_names:
if df.empty:
df = pd.DataFrame(data[i].values(), index=data[i].keys(), columns=[str(i)])
df = pd.merge(df, pd.DataFrame(data[i].values(), index=data[i].keys(), columns=[str(i)]),
left_index=True, right_index=True, how='outer').fillna(0)
sc_df = df.replace('%','',regex=True).astype('float')
How does most recent data look like ?
data = sc_df[[15, 16, 17]]
line_chart = pygal.Line(show_legend=False, legend_at_bottom=True,
style=custom_style, y_title='# Normalized published articles')
line_chart.title = 'Influence of IF on 2010-2014'
line_chart.x_labels = list(x.lstrip('2010_2014_') for x in data.keys())
for row in data.iterrows():
line_chart.add(str(row[0]), list(row[1]))
line_chart.render_to_file(ROOT_PATH + '/IF_2010_2014.svg')
SVG(filename=ROOT_PATH + '/IF_2010_2014.svg')